
How You Can Save Up To 47 Percent On Your Health Insurance Right Now

Do Not Read This Unless You are Making a lot of Money!:

If you would like to know how you can save up to 47% on your current Health Insurance Coverage read on... this is going to be one of the most informative messages you will ever read. After reading this message you will never going to have words; expensive and health insurance in the same sentence.

As you already know health insurance costs are at highest they have ever been and there is no sign of them slowing down. More and more Americans are forced to cancel their coverage simply just because they cannot afford it.
Who are the uninsured?

o Approximately 46 million Americans, or 15.7 percent of the population, were without health insurance in 2004 (the latest government data available).

o The number of uninsured rose 800,000 between 2003 and 2004 and has increased by 6 million since 2000.

o The increase in the number of uninsured in 2004 was focused among working age adults. The percentage of working adults (18 to 64) who had no health coverage climbed from 18.6 percent in 2003 to 19.0 percent in 2004. An increase of over 750,000 in 2004.

o Nearly 82 million people - about one-third of the population below the age of 65 spent a portion of either 2002 or 2003 without health coverage.

o The number of uninsured children in 2004 was 8.3 million - or 11.2 percent of all children in the U.S. (1).

You might say that I have great coverage that I am happy with... that's totally fine.

For past sever years average rate increase for health insurance was 16.2% and what if it keeps on going? If you are right now paying $500 per month for your health insurance in three years from now you would expect to pay over $780 for the same plan. Wait... we all know that insurance companies consistently decrease their benefits and increase co-pays and deductible. Therefore you will pay more for less coverage. By the way if you keep same plan for over five years you will pay over $1000 a month just for your medical coverage. What if you use your Health Insurance?... Chances are if it is not for a regular doctor visits or a check ups it would be considered pre-existing condition. That means your chances of changing to a more affordable coverage in the future will be nearly impossible. That is one of the main reasons people cancel their health insurance because they were diagnosed with something or taking a prescription medication and the insurance company kept raising their rate until they could not qualify for any other coverage and could not afford the one they had.

Now you are saying I do not need coverage my spouse works for a company and I have group coverage... Great.

What would happen if your spouse left that job or the company stopped providing benefits? Probably the most obvious things that you can see how much that group coverage is really costing you. Next time check how much is deducted out of the paycheck for health coverage, especially for dependents. Group plans do cost more money because by law they are what are called "guaranteed issue". That means you can have serious medical conditions and still get coverage. Insurance companies have to follow the law and they know they have to accept everyone who works for a large company, therefore they do charge more money for coverage. The biggest problem is not the cost of group health insurance it is what happens if some one, while on the group plan, is diagnosed with a condition or starts to take prescriptions medications. We get back to same issues as mentioned before, unable to qualify for health insurance in the future. There are people that want to leave their job but they cannot because they are going through treatment and cannot to pay for it on their own.

There is another solution... Some might save, so what is the point of even having health insurance. Once you diagnosed with something and insurance company is going to keep raising rates to the point where I am going to have to cancel it anyway. Especially if something does happen and I have to use my coverage I might not be working and I might not have income. Is my insurance company is still going to keep raising my rates? YES.

Before you think about canceling your coverage consider this. Here are some statistics

o A recent study by Harvard University researchers found that the average out-of-pocket medical debt for those who filed for bankruptcy was $12,000. In addition, the study found that 50 percent of all bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses. Every 30 seconds in the United States someone files for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a serious health problem.

o Illness and medical bills caused half of the 1,458,000 personal bankruptcies in 2001, according to a study published by the journal Health Affairs.

o Average day in the hospital is $7500 per day.

How can you save up to 47% on your health insurance? Simple... You probably already heard of Health Saving Accounts. They are becoming more and more popular everyday. With the way health insurance prices are moving today Health Saving Accounts are the only way to keep your coverage, save hundreds per month on your health insurance and still have a peace of mind.

To this day I was not able to hear a good definition that everyone can understand. I will do everything I can to make it simple to understand. The easiest way to understand Health Saving Accounts is to think of them as Roth IRA or your Company's 401k plan. Instead of giving your money away to insurance company you get to keep it more of it for yourself. The way HSA plans work is there health insurance combined with savings account which works in a similar way to your retirement account. There tremendous benefits to have HSA qualified health plan. First all the money that you put in to your HSA account is 100% tax deductible and it is your money that rolls over year after year. At the age of 65 and up if you have not used up all of your HSA money you can roll it over in to your retirement account. Second your health insurance costs are going to be cut almost in half. For example if you had Health Insurance plan with $2500 deductible now and it is costing you $300 per month the same plans with HSA qualified plan, now will cost you only about $160 per month. The reason you save so much money with HSA qualified health plan is because HSA qualified plans do not cover anything until the deductible is met. There are exceptions depending on the Health Insurance Company. Some insurance companies will pay for your once a year physical before you meet your deductible.

Let take an example of how HSA qualified plan could benefit you. Let take some actual numbers from actual health insurance company. In this example I am going to use HSA plans from company called Assurant Health. Assurant Health is leader in Health Saving Accounts and they one of the first companies to implement them. The main reason is that Assurant Health is part of the world's largest financial company that sets up retirement accounts. In this example I am going to use a family of four, husband 46, wife 42, kids are 12 and 16. On a regular family plan with $2500 deductible, maximum out of pocket of $5500, co-insurance of 80% and doctor visits covered with $35 co-pay, they are going to pay $676.40. Something to keep in mind that all of the regular PPO plans that are available on the market today have family deductible which is double of individual deductible. That means that if you have a plan with $2500 deductible and $5500 maximum out of pocket that means that your family deductible is $5000 and your family maximum out of pocket is $11,000. When we are comparing HSA qualified health plans there is only one deductible, once you meet it you are covered at 100% on the most plans. There are some companies and plans that you still might be responsible for the percent age of the bill until you reach your maximum out of pocket. Most HSA plans do not have maximum out of pocket that meant once you met your deductible you are covered at 100%, it's that simple. The same plan with $5700 deductible for the entire family with HSA qualified health plans will only be $491.64 per month. For the total monthly savings of 184.76 per month. Also your maximum out of pocket will decrease from $11,000 on a regular plan to $5700 with HSA health plan. That's yearly savings of $2,217.12 and additional savings of $5300 on the maximum out of pocket. (that's if you have had to use the plan for emergencies) The main reason for starting HSA health insurance is for Saving Account and being able to put money in to account, at your discretion, tax free. You can put money in to HSA qualified account up to your deductible and you do not have to put any money in to that account if you do not want to. Health Saving Accounts are as flexible as you would want them to be. TO get more information on HSA accounts and get quotes for HSA qualified health coverage see my bio.


The Easy Guide To Finding The Best Health Insurance Coverage

Health insurance coverage is a major necessity for today's active consumer. Taking the chance of not
setting enough money aside in order to pay your monthly health insurance premium is basically gambling with your financial and physical well-being. Typically, health insurance benefits and coverage vary widely among the many different health insurance providers. However, they all have one common trait or feature and that is they all pay for a pre-determined amount of incurred medical cost for the policy holder or insured individual.

Health insurance may not seem as important to you right now and in many cases most people don't acknowledge the fact that they even need health insurance until it's to late. This usually happens right around the time when a consumer requires significant medical attention or assistance. For some folks even routine doctor's exams and medical appointments can be the catalyst or wake up sign that health insurance is very vital to living a health and stress free life.

The United States health care system is unique in its own right due in large part to the privatization that has occurred in the medical and health care community. This is spurned the demand and need for an adequate health insurance policy and coverage system. Many other countries actually use a government-sponsored form of health care that doesn't require insurance coverage in any form.

The three primary forms of health care insurance include the self-insured and uninsured consumers, managed care plans and indemnity health care plans. The self-insured and uninsured group of consumers normally consist of the self-employed and unfortunately folks that are currently not working or out of work. The latest figures show that about 35% of the folks needing health care insurance fall into this category.

Chances are you've probably already familiar with what a managed health care plan is, thanks in large part to the stories discussed in the newspapers, TV and local radio stations. After all, health care is a hot topic for many consumers living in the United States. Basically all a managed care plan does is offer contracted health care providers at pre-negotiated prices. There are three different versions of the managed health care plans provided in today's medical community. The most commonly known is the Health Maintenance Organization or HMO. This plan requires its insured members to contribute a set dollar amount or fee each month in exchange for medical care. The typical medical services that are readily provided by an HMO include routine appointments, surgery and some outside specialization treatments (although the HMO plan usually frowns upon seeking medical assistance outside of the HMO network of providers).

The next managed care plan is the Preferred Provider Organizations or PPO. This health service plan normally requires the insured to make payment up front and then provides a re-imbursement to the member of the health care plan. Much like HMOs the PPO has a set network of doctors and health care providers that ity has negotiated with in advance in order to obtain better rates for medical treatment that may be required by its members.

The final plan offered by the managed health care plan is the Point of Service or POS plan. This plan isn't really talked about as much as the HMO and PPO health insurance plans based on the fact that it's not as common. A member of this plan avoids having to pay a deductible and a small co-payment fee provided they use a doctor that is a member of the POS network. The major drawback with this plan is if the insured member seeks treatment outside of the referral network then a rather large deductible is incurred along with some rather stiff charges.

Aside from the self-insured/uninsured plan and the managed health care plan there is still one more form of health insurance coverage that can be obtained by consumers who have a little more money that they wish to spend on their health insurance coverage. This plan is the indemnity plan and although it offers the least amount of restrictions when compared to all other health care plans it is also the most expensive. The reason for the high cost associated with this form of health insurance coverage is due to the ability for the plan member or insured consumer to visit any doctor or health care specialist they want to receive health care from as often as needed or required.

With several choices between which health insurance plan or coverage to choose from it really boils down to each individual consumer's own unique needs, wants and desires when it comes to the health care they want provided to them. Searching for the right health insurance coverage can be a mundane and laborious task but it doesn't have to be difficult if you know what you're choices are prior to beginning your quest to find the best health insurance plan at the most affordable price.


PPO Individual Health Insurance Coverage - Buy Health Insurance Online Now

The secret to choosing the right HMO or PPO individual health insurance coverage for you: knowing how to evaluate quotes.

Today, a broken leg can end up costing $7,500 to treat; childbirth can easily cost $10,000; and medical expenses for hip replacements can skyrocket up to $32,000. So, it isn't a question of if you need health insurance.

The real question is how to find affordable health insurance with the benefits you need -- because you can't afford not to have quality HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage.

Step 1: Request two or more health insurance online quotes.

Soon you'll know the secrets to choosing the right health insurance for you.

Step 2: After you've requested more than one health insurance online quote, discover which benefits to confirm.

First, choose the health insurance online quote you've received that offers the best benefits for the price. Then, read this article to:

    understand your quote for HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage
    discover how to make sure that important benefits are included in your quote and then
    buy health insurance online with confidence

Here are some commonly asked questions -- and their answers -- that will help you in your quest to buy health insurance online.

1) I want affordable health insurance, but I also want secure coverage. Which benefits are a "must" in quality health insurance plans?

You want to make sure the following are covered in your health insurance online quote:

a. visits to your doctor's office

b. specialist referral visits

c. hospital stays

d. surgeon fees

Plus, your major medical coverage limit should be high enough to cover significant illness or injury. Also look for HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage that provides a 24-hour medical advice hotline, such as the Blue Cross of California health insurance MedCall service. Make sure all of the above is included in your health insurance online quote before you buy health insurance online.

Step 3: All of that is included in my health insurance online quote. What other HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage benefits are important?

Other great benefits include a prescription drug plan, vision care, and mental health benefits. If applicable, also review the section of your insurance plan that discusses maternity and well baby care. With Blue Cross of California health insurance, members automatically belong to the Blue Cross Baby Connection program.

Because of the Blue Cross of California Baby Connection, mothers receive quality prenatal care, information on safe and healthy pregnancies; and the use of a toll-free hotline for questions while you're pregnant -- and even when you're taking care of your newborn baby.

2) Should I look for any other benefits after I get my health insurance online quote?

Quality affordable health insurance HMO / PPO individual health insurance coverage often includes preventative care benefits, as well as programs for chronic conditions such as diabetes and asthma. With Blue Cross of California health insurance, the program is called "Living Well With Chronic Conditions."

Step 4: Now, relax. You've got your bases covered, so go ahead and buy health insurance online that contains the benefits you need and want.

Choose a quality health insurance plan from a company you know and trust, such as Blue Cross of California health insurance. Then, go out and enjoy life, knowing you're fully covered.


Individual Health Insurance

Health insurance is a type of insurance where the insurer pays for the medical expenses of the insured when the insured becomes sick due to illness or injury. Today, there are several types of health insurance to choose from. Individual health insurance, group health, worker?s compensation, and government health plans such as Medicare and Medicaid are some of the different types of health insurance plans.

Individual health insurance plays a significant role in the health care system of the United States. It is an ideal option for people who do not have access to job-based coverage. Of the different types of health insurance, individual health insurance provides coverage for an individual or to an individual and their family.

Fee-for-service insurance, managed care plans, open enrollment in managed care plans, association-based health insurance, and high-risk pools are some of the different individual health insurance options available in the market. Compared to group health insurance, individual health insurance is highly expensive. Benefits of individual health insurance are fewer than group insurance.

Individual health insurance plans can be obtained directly from insurance companies. The insurance company to whom you apply will ask you to provide personal information, including your medical history. Based on your health status, the company determines whether you qualify for an individual health insurance plan or not. Once you are qualified, a premium is charged based on your age, income, and medical history.

Choosing an individual health insurance plan is an important decision. You must choose a plan that meets your needs as well as budget. Prior to buying individual health insurance coverage it is necessary to consider several options. It is very essential to compare the coverage and cost of insurance plan as it may vary from company to company. Also, make sure that the selected insurance plan provides the kind of coverage that's right for you.

Finding an affordable individual health insurance is a bit confusing and time consuming. So it is advisable to consult an insurance agent or a broker who will help you to find the individual health insurance that suits you.

Want Cheaper Health Insurance? Make sure To Obtain The Right Number Of Health Insurance Quotes

Many of today's financial savvy and not so savvy consumers are finding out just how important health insurance can really be to their overall health, both financially and physically. The fact is, with rising medical costs many people simply can't afford to get sick or be seen by a doctor or medical health specialist unless they have obtained affordable health insurance to offset the expensive medications and routine follow-up doctor's appointments. The best thing anyone searching for a good health insurance provider can do is to compare and contrast each insurance companies benefits by asking to receive a free health insurance quote. In order to get the best deal on your health insurance you want to make sure and get as many health insurance quotes as possible. This will allow you the opportunity to find adequate health coverage at a price you can easily afford.

With so many people needing health insurance (everyone truly does need some form of health insurance coverage) you definitely want to shop around and compare the many different health insurance quotes you will receive. Shopping around between the many different health insurance companies and providers is important because every company offers different benefits with their health insurance policies. You want to primarily use the health insurance quote as your initial baseline to decide on which companies to investigate further.

Medical costs aren't the only thing that has gone up, health insurance rates and premiums have also started becoming more expensive making the advice of obtaining health insurance quotes from many different companies even more valuable and important. Keep in mind that your current state of health plays s a large role in determining the actual rate of your health insurance quotes. If you regularly consume unhealthy foods, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes of lead a sedentary life without any form of exercise involved then chances are quite good that your health insurance quote will higher then a healthier individuals rate quote, no matter which health insurance company or provider you choose to work with.

Typically, a health insurance quote will explain or show exactly what the health insurance company (sometimes referred to as the insurer) will cover in terms of medical costs associated with an insured consumer who becomes sick, ill or suffers an accident. There are many different forms of health insurance coverage to choose from with many of the more popular forms called HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and PPOs (Preferred Provider Organizations). There are still several other forms of medical insurance coverage but the point of obtaining a health insurance quote is valid no matter what type of health insurance coverage or provider you choose to work with.

In order to really find the best health insurance coverage and provider you need to take the necessary time to obtain a health insurance quote from several different insurance companies. Doing so will allow you to find adequate health coverage at a price that won't send you to the hospital in the first place.


Individual Health Insurance vs. Group Health Insurance

Individual health insurance is very different from group health insurance in some respects. Many people have had group health insurance from a large corporate group plan and that is all that they have ever known. Many have never had to actually pick and choose between different insurance companies and different health plans as all of the decision making was done on their behalf by their employer. Here are a few quick things to keep in minding when searching for individual health insurance.
The underwriting for individual health insurance is different than the underwriting for group health insurance.

This is great news if you, your spouse and kids are healthy as individual health insurance rates are much cheaper than a comparable group health insurance plan. It could be a cause for concern if you have some health issues in your past as there is the possibility that the application will be declined due to what is called "pre-existing conditions" in your medical history. Most individual health insurance companies will look back into your health history going back about 10 years. If the application is on a fully underwritten basis and there are major health issues such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. then the application will be declined. (What do you do at this point? Make sure that you keep your current coverage and elect COBRA benefits or any other form of continuation coverage and when that coverage expires you will want to look for a HIPAA eligible health insurance plan).

Individual health insurance is much cheaper than group health insurance.

Think of it kind of like; in individual health insurance the insurance company gets to pick and choose who they will extend coverage too. They choose those who are healthy and have the lowest risk to the company. Therefore, the rates are much lower than in a group health insurance plan where no matter who applies for coverage, whether healthy or unhealthy, they are offered coverage (and of course everyone that is unhealthy wants health insurance - this principle is called the law of adverse selection if any super technical people just love knowing the actual name of insurance principles). A good way to think about it is if you are healthy and on a group health insurance plan then you are in a sense subsidizing the cost of all of the unhealthy people on the group health insurance plan.

Getting quotes for individual health insurance is very easy.

Obtaining group health insurance quotes is sometimes a long drawn out process of filling out a census form with all of the employee information and other administrative time consuming tasks. With the ease of the Internet and the simplicity of individual health insurance rates all it takes is a few moments to enter in basic health insurance information and you can view individual health insurance rate quotes online.

Compare student health insurance quotes from multiple health insurance companies, learn how to find California low cost health insurance, and get free Texas health insurance quotes.

Take a few moments to learn about the different health insurance plan options in your area so that you can be better equipped to find the most appropriate health care coverage for you and your family!