
Be Careful When Shopping For Health Insurance Online

Without a doubt the Internet has made life much easier for consumers, especially when trying to obtain the best deals when shopping for health insurance online. The ease of use and the ability to quickly compare the offers from competing health insurance providers makes it almost to fast and hassle free to purchase health insurance online. However, there are some important facts, questions and answers you or any consumer searching for an online health insurance provider should research before quickly making a decision that could lock you into a health insurance policy that may not be right for you.

Health insurance like most other insurance products and services contains a variety or jargon and terms that you should become intimately familiar with prior to signing up for a policy or health insurance plan that you may have found online. Most, in fact almost all, health insurance companies will require you to partake in a physical before they consider underwriting you for a policy. Basically, this underwriting process consists of your taking a physical, which the insurance company then verifies against the information you filled out on their application for accuracy. The reason for this full disclosure is so that the health insurance provider can determine the rate or premium they will charge you for your health insurance coverage and it's also for your protection so that the insurance company cannot refuse you treatment for a condition at a later time. In some minor cases when obtaining health insurance online you may not have your information verified against the actual physical.

As mentioned above, when searching for health insurance online there is a chance that some insurance providers will not do their due diligence in the beginning (comparing your physical to your completed application or questionnaire) and will instead play the odds that you won't get sick, injured or suffer some other health catastrophe. In the event that you do get ill and need their services they will then scrutinize your records with the hopes of finding a reason not to pay your health insurance related claims. If for some reason they find what they consider a valid discrepancy they may then attempt to not pay your claim or cancel your health insurance completely. Remember, this is not all insurance companies just a extremely small percentage that may do this practice or tactic to strong arm you into not receiving your proper health insurance coverage.

 Affordalble health insurance
When shopping and comparing health insurance online make sure any application you fill out contains full disclosure and a complete and accurate assessment by you regarding your health otherwise you may find a future health related claim denied. When filling out your health insurance online application always list every illness, broken bone, accident, operation, medication you have taken and any other ailment you may have suffered from during your life. Failure to do so could nullify your insurance policy should you ever need to make a claim against it.

In some cases the health insurance agent for the company or provider you are considering will fill out the health insurance application for you. In the event he or she does this you must make sure and double check it for accuracy. Remember agents get paid based on the business they provide to the insurance company so always make sure no shortcuts were taken to get you initially covered by the health provider. If your future claims get denied due to an error on your initial application it doesn't really phase the insurance agent hat helped you in the beginning.

Finally, after you're approved make sure you double check your health insurance online application for any errors that may have occurred during and after the insurance company accepts your paperwork. The difference between a no and yes answer could prove costly in the future should you ever need to file a health related claim against your health insurance provider.


Affordable Health Insurance and How to Get it

Getting and keeping affordable health insurance in your state is up to you. With medical insurance market in constant change and increasing cost of healthcare. It is up to us to do our research to understand medical coverage and the ways on how we can control medical insurance costs. Health insurance companies to stay competitive understand the need for affordable health insurance plans. Insurance companies are constantly changing their health plans to make them more affordable. The only real way to make health insurance plans more affordable is to exclude certain benefits. It is a risk that insurance companies are taking. Since most of the time when shopping for the health insurance plan most people do not understand what is exactly covered and what is not covered.

 Health Insurance
We have to agree that medical insurance companies are not going to give away free coverage. With that in mind we have to agree that insurance companies are also not going to have a plan that cost less cover everything exactly the same as the plan that cost more. The cost of health insurance is almost the same across the board not matter which insurance company you go with. It is true that insurance companies that run more efficiently can offer better rates. What makes that largest difference in the cost of the actual plan is what and how it covers medical bills in case of emergency. The great thing is insurance companies are closely regulated by state insurance commissioner. State laws do vary and so do health insurance health plans in every state. For example in some states insurance companies can exclude certain pre existing conditions to offer you a lower rate. If you have some medical issue and it is being covered by workman's compensation insurance then you would not need to have double coverage. In other states like California you either get approved or you will get a higher rate or you will get declined. Insurance companies in the state of California cannot exclude coverage on pre-existing conditions once you are approved.

With all of that in mind let's look at all the options we have to make our health plans more affordable. First is our deductible, which will give us largest control over health insurance premium we pay to Health Insurance Company. There are three types of plans with deductibles. One is a health plan where you have to meet the deductible to get any benefits, the second one is where everything is covered with small co-pay and deductible applies only for hospital stays and third the most popular and the most dangerous one in no deductible. No deductible plans in most cases are the creative work of the insurance companies. In most cases plans that have no deductible you will be responsible for what's called daily fee and co-insurance. In most cases you could be more out of pocket with no deductible plans then a plan with a deductible.

 Affordable Health InsuranceSecond we have more and more insurance companies offer health insurance plans with option of have brand name drug coverage or just generic prescription drug coverage. What does that mean to you? Well the simple way to explain this is that brand name drugs are the drugs that you see on TV commercials. Prescription drugs are regulated by FDA and by FDA rules after the brand name drug has been on the market for over five years over drug companies can copy it. That means that when Drug Company comes out with a new drug they can charge for it as much as they want and no one can copy their formula for that drug for over five years. The reason FDA has that type of rules is because they figure that it takes a lot of money to research new drug. By FDA regulations brand name drugs and generic drugs must have exactly same active ingredient. Basically they are exactly same drug just one cost a lot more. Talk to your doctor before you make any changes. Here is where we are getting with this is if you get a health insurance plans that covers generic drugs only you can save your self a lot of money on your health insurance premiums. With some health plans you can also customize your prescription drug deductible.

Third is health insurance plans that give you option of covering your doctor visits or not covering them. This option could save you a lot of money. What that means is some health insurance plans will allow you to pay for your own doctor visits versus having insurance company pay portion and you pay co-pay. You have to ask your self how many time do you really go to a doctor every year? Most regular doctor visit will cost you anywhere from $55 to $75. Therefore you if you go once or twice a year to a doctor and you can just pay out of pocket and save $50 a month on your health insurance, would you do it?

Well here you have it with these three options you can get affordable health insurance. There are some other options you can also take a look at like Health Saving Account qualified health insurance plans, which is a different topic. It all just makes sense, why pay for something you do not need and not going to use. With some simple decisions you can get the coverage you want at the premium you can afford.

Great Tips For Choosing The Right Health Insurance

Medical insurance can save your life, not just for immediate needs, but over the long haul. Before purchasing any health insurance coverage, make sure that you ask all of the important questions and do your end of the research it takes to make the right decisions. The tips contained in this article will help you to find the best health insurance available.

When buying health insurance, you must make sure to read all the fine print, and understand what is covered under the policy. If you have health insurance which covers incidents like these, it can make a difference in paying for the down time you need to incur.

When purchasing auto insurance, you can keep costs down by naming your spouse, if you have one, as a driver on the policy. Many insurance companies will first offer a discount for a combined policy rather than holding two separate policies for the same household. Plus, marriage is seen as a stabilizing effect that reduces your risk.

 Health insurance coverage
If you graduated from college recently and shopping for health insurance, then you can choose from a few different options. If you are employed and the company offers insurance, you can enroll in that. If you are younger than 26, your parents can still have you under their plan, or you can look up individual options too.

Before purchasing health insurance, take your own needs into consideration. You do not want to be stuck paying for health insurance that does not help you with the care you need. For instance, if you plan on starting a family soon, get a health plan that covers pregnancy and delivery costs.

As stated, be sure to ask all of the right questions when considering any health insurance. The more research you do, the easier it will be to choose a company who meets your needs. The advice you take from this article will assist you in making correct choices.


Health Insurance: Plan To Get The Right Plan

Many people feel that health insurance is something that is too expensive and that they don't need. They may plan to get it "someday". But health insurance is not something to be taken lightly. Important information, such as the information in this article, can help you to understand the true importance of insurance.

Make sure your insurance will cover overseas doctor visits. If you have health insurance, it is important to read the fine print. You don't want to get sick in a foreign country, go to the doctor, and find yourself unable to pay for it. Make sure you have extra money available should your health insurance provider not cover the expenses.

Long-term care health insurance can help cover the cost of assisted-living facilities for the elderly. It can be expensive or impossible to get if you wait until you need coverage. The time to buy is when you are in your fifties, and it's best to look for a policy that provides protection against future cost hikes.

Do not allow yourself to be taken in by new incentive programs. Several health insurance companies are offering "freebie" plans, where certain items will be covered at no extra charge. Check the by-lines for your company, because they may have to offer you this anyway and are trying to scam you into signing a more costly plan.

Look for a health insurance plan with broad coverage. This is especially important if you like to travel. Insurance companies with smaller coverage can make it difficult to find a doctor should you be outside of your normal living area. Broad coverage includes many more doctors and hospitals, so it is a must for travelers.

Get quotes for health insurance as you would for car insurance. You can get quotes from different companies and then compare the benefits offered from these companies. Be sure to look into each company's history and financial situation so you do not find yourself uncovered when you need it most.

One important feature of any insurance plan is prescription drug coverage. Be sure to scrutinize all the details of your prescription drug plan so that you are familiar with how your healthcare insurer handles prescriptions. It's especially important to understand how they cover different classes of drugs, and whether they offer generics for the prescriptions you normally take.

Think about using an insurance broker. A broker can be invaluable when looking for health insurance. They will shop for the best rates, find the best company, and explain exactly what the plan means. You can find a suitable broker via or Both of these sites have a list of reputable brokers in your area.

As has already been stated, health insurance is something that can be a very serious matter. It is not something that can be easily dismissed. This article can help you to see just how important health insurance can be. It may seem like it can be too expensive when you don't need it, but it is more expensive to need it and to not have it.


Buy The Right Health Insurance For Your Stage Of Business Growth

Buy quality self employed health insurance coverage that's right for your stage of business growth, with an eye to the future.

Right now, you're the only employee of your company and you need the peace of mind provided by a quality insurance plan. Before you ask for a self employed health insurance quote, though, look at these three business growth scenarios. Then decide what kind of self employed health insurance coverage and benefits you need before you buy health insurance online.

1. I expect to remain the sole employee of my business. Solution: simply ask for a self employed health insurance online quote.

Shop around and ask for a health insurance online quote from reputable insurance agencies that provide quality customer service. Then buy health insurance online from the agency that meets your needs and your budget.

Also read up on and / or consult an accountant to discover how you can deduct the cost of your self employed health insurance coverage. You'll want to take advantage of every deduction possible without make a costly error in what's allowable.

2. I expect to hire employees within the next year. Solution: ask about temporary self employed health insurance coverage and also ask for a group health insurance quote.

Let's say that you've gotten a self employed health insurance quote that pleases you. There's just one more step to take before you buy health insurance online. Ask the insurance agent to discuss how you will transition from self employed health insurance coverage to group health insurance once you hire your employees.

If the insurance agent is too busy to talk about this, then look elsewhere for a health insurance online quote. Also, monitor the dates on your temporary health insurance policy carefully because you don't want a lapse between the end of your temporary health insurance and the beginning of your group policy.

3. I am ready to hire anywhere from two to fifty people. Solution: ask which group health insurance plan provides you the benefits that you -- and your employees -- will need.

Congratulations! Your business must be thriving and growing. Discuss this anticipated growth with insurance agents. Compare and contrast the health insurance online quote that they give you for group insurance policies and choose the one that will treat your best assets -- your new employees -- right.

 Right Health Insurance
You can then use your group health insurance benefits as a recruiting tool to hire and retain top quality staff that will keep your business moving in the right direction. When you buy health insurance online you are in fact investing in your company and its assets.

Time for a self employed health insurance quote or for group health insurance? Either way, choose the insurance agent that provides quality coverage and service, no matter what stage of growth you're in.

Take a good hard look at where your business is headed. Decide whether you need self employed health insurance coverage or group health insurance. Then get your self employed health insurance quote and buy health insurance online that will keep you -- and your employees (current or future) -- safe, secure and covered.


Georgia Health Insurance

Georgia health insurance offers medical benefits that cover the cost of treatment incurred in a hospital. The coverage provided is comprehensive which includes doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency, prescription, dental care, and mental health care. It serves families, students, kids, employees, workers, self employed, small and large businesses, and retirees.

For the citizens of Georgia, a wide variety of health insurance plans are available to choose from. Each one varies significantly based on the size of deductible and the benefits covered. Individual health insurance, family health insurance, group health insurance, student health insurance, affordable health insurance, health insurance for children only, and temporary health insurance are some of the insurance plans available in Georgia.

In Georgia, health insurance laws and regulations regarding individual health insurance is different from other US states. The law allows insurers to deny the request for individual health insurance based on pre-existing medical condition and current health conditions.

The state of Georgia has moderate insurance regulation which protects both insurance consumers as well as the insurance company. According to "guaranteed renewability provision", a health insurance policy regulation, an insurance owner is allowed to renew a policy without considering his/her health status.

In Georgia there is no limit on the premiums that the companies can charge for a health plan. Also, the law restricts that an insurer cannot cancel one?s insurance policy based on their health condition or age. In certain states, children of unemployed parents are denied from getting health insurance policy. Through a plan called Peach Care, Georgia State provides opportunity for such children to be insured.

Before purchasing health insurance, it is necessary to compare the different health insurance quotes. An insurance agent or an insurance broker is the right person to help you in finding a health insurance policy that best suits your requirement. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Kaiser Permanente, Assurant Health, Celtic Insurance Company, Time Insurance Company, and United Healthcare of Georgia are some of the leading companies that provide excellent health insurance coverage for the citizens of Georgia.


Don't Fall Victim To A Health Insurance Scam - 10 "Red Flags" You Should Look For

In today's fast paced world, business owners don't often have the time to thoroughly check out the companies they rely on to provide goods and services. In many cases, a determination of product/service quality can be made at the time goods are delivered or services are rendered. If goods or services do not meet expectations, there is often an immediate remedy available. For example, poor quality goods can be shipped back to the supplier and/or payment for services can be withheld until services are satisfactorily rendered.

Unfortunately, business owners do not always purchase items that are tangible items, in the sense that they can immediately determine the quality of the goods and/or services at the time of purchase. One example of such a purchase is health insurance. Since health insurance is not usually used immediately after purchase, the quality of care or the legitimacy of the policy may not even come into play until the business owner, or a family member, actually needs to have medical treatment. This is one of the primary reasons that many companies, often appearing legitimate, can get away with selling bogus health insurance coverage to unsuspecting business owners.

In most cases, fraudulent health insurance policies are sold to business owners by telemarketers or "agents" through bogus Associations and Unions. In that, the buyer must join a professional and/or trade association or become a union member to qualify for health insurance. In fact, in a study published by the U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO) in 2004, the GAO found that association schemes ranked at the top of the marketing methods followed by bogus health insurers. According to the report, "Employers and Individuals Are Vulnerable to Unauthorized or Bogus Entities Selling Coverage, between 2000 and 2002, the U.S. Department of Labor and state insurance regulators identified 144 unauthorized entities selling health insurance unlawfully. These entities defrauded 15,000 employers and more than 200,000 policyholders out of $252 million."

However, it is important to mention that many individual and group health insurance products are endorsed by reputable Associations, such as the ARRP and the American Bar Association and, many reputable Unions, such as the AFLCIO and the Teamsters. These organizations have long been recognized for bringing a common class of professionals or citizens together for other purposes that have very little to do with health insurance. Membership commonly includes a wide range of other benefits in addition to discounted health insurance. Typically, the organizations have a governing organization, a constitution and bylaws, a set of officers, voting rights, regular membership meetings and a professional code of conduct.

Unfortunately, most individuals do not find out that they were making hefty monthly payments or premiums to fraudulent Associations or Unions until they have a severe condition that requires medical treatment. Usually, it isn't until after they receive treatment that they receive notice from their medical provider that the claim that was submitted to the insurance company was denied and that all the medical charges that were incurred are now their responsibility.

Often, the scheme starts when business owners are contacted by telephone or approached by someone who claims to represent a certain, official sounding, Association or Union. The business owner is then informed that if s/he becomes a member of the Association or joins the Union, s/he could qualify for a low cost group or individual health insurance plan. Typically the Association or Union is promoted to represent self-employed individuals and small business owners. The low cost health insurance is usually presented as one of the many "perks" that the business owner can qualify for, in addition to many other "member" benefits, like discounts on other services, such as dental, eyeglasses, office supplies, hotels, rental cars, etc.

In many instances, these bogus companies involve licensed health insurance agents to sell their fraudulent health insurance products. Sometimes the "agents" know the products are fraudulent, other times, the "agent" also falls prey to the scheme. Often, the schemes prey upon consumers who have been previously declined insurance coverage or suffer from a pre-existing condition. Since these consumers have very limited options to purchase private health insurance coverage, the benefits of an Association or Union membership that offers health insurance coverage for a "membership fee" or "union due" is enticing. To the unsuspecting consumer that has a pre-existing medical condition or is paying high premiums for coverage, the "membership fee" or "union due" is a small price to pay for what they believe will be a quality health plan that provides "guaranteed" coverage with no "pre-existing condition exclusions" and no "waiting periods."

In many circumstances, the print materials that are left with the consumer are very well designed, however, the majority of the time, the language in the "health plan brochure," if there is one, is very unclear. The literature may name the entity that is authorized to act as the health plan administrator of the plan, but neglect to name the actual insurance company that is providing the health insurance coverage. Unfortunately, it is often difficult for the consumer to separate the illegitimate companies selling official sounding health plans from the legitimate ones. Typically fraudulent health plans have many commonalities.

Here are 10 "Red Flags" that may indicate health insurance fraud:

1. The "agent" is not a licensed insurance agent but an "enrollment" or "membership" coordinator.

2. The term "discount plan" is written in the product literature, but the term health plan, health insurance or policy is frequently used by the plan promoter. Discount plans often provide nothing more than a discount for medical services, such as prescription medications, eyeglasses, dental, etc. These plans are not designed to offer major medical health insurance coverage.

3. The official sounding "Association or Union" is one that you have never heard of before.

4. The plan is referred to as an ERISA plan. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that allows employers to set up employee benefit plans for employees and their dependents. ERISA plans are not subject to state regulation and are not regulated by the state insurance commissioner. ERISA plans are normally not sold as health insurance, but are instead, established by employers, unions or groups acting on behalf of employers. Therefore, unsuspecting buyers believe these plans actually offer health insurance coverage, when if fact, they do not.

5. The buyer is told that the "membership fee or union dues" includes the health insurance premium, but there is no mention of the word "premium" in any of the plan literature.

6. The plan offers "guaranteed" insurance coverage with no exclusions for "pre-existing conditions" and no "waiting periods."

7. The plan is significantly cheaper in price than other health insurance plans.

8. The term "reinsured" is used in regards to the plan. Reinsurance is something insurance companies buy to protect themselves against their own risks. It is insurance for insurance companies. Licensed insurers rarely have their agents mention any of their reinsurance arrangements during a sales presentation.

9. If the Association or Union is comprised of members from all walks of life and/or requires its members to state that they belong to a certain trade, class or group of professionals that they have no affiliation with, for example, the Association or Union is said to be comprised of "Food and Beverage" workers, but "Florists" and "Machinists" are allowed to enroll as members.

10. If the Association or Union is said to have a special arrangement with a health insurance company, a plan administrator or another third party that has designed the plan using a legal "loophole" that allows members to purchase health insurance at a discounted rate or to purchase a individual or group health insurance policy.

So how can you protect yourself from falling victim to a fraudulent insurance scam? Make sure you contact your state's department of Insurance to determine if the health insurance company and the third-party administrator are licensed to do business in your state and make sure that the "agent" selling the plan is a "licensed health insurance agent." Additionally, make sure that the health insurance company has been approved to sell the particular policy that is being offered. Since it may be difficult to tell if fraud is involved, always put off buying your insurance policy until you have had the opportunity to perform your own due diligence.


Cheap Health Insurance

The cost of health insurance and medical treatment is increasing day by day. As the cost of medical care and health insurance continues to rise, the demand for cheap health insurance is also on the rise.

Though cheap health insurance offers only limited service, it is an excellent alternative for those who want to get health insurance at a low cost. As an ideal option for budget minded consumers, cheap health insurance offers adequate health coverage at reasonable rates.

Cheap health insurance contributes to the cost of medicine, doctor visits, prescription, and hospital stays; it also provides benefits for eye care, dental work, and other medical expenses. Certain types of cheap health insurance do not cover preventative care, such as doctors' visits. So while looking for cheap health insurance, make sure that you get what you pay for.

Low-risk indemnity plan is an ideal option for those who want a cheap health insurance. Indemnity plan requires you to pay coinsurance amounts and certain deductibles. With indemnity plan, it is possible to modify coinsurance amounts and deductible levels to fit your particular budget. Even though the coverage provided by the plan is of low quality, low-risk indemnity plan is found to be beneficial to budget minded customers.

With the help of an insurance agency or an insurance broker, you can find an affordable cheap health insurance. Another option to find cheap health insurance is to browse the internet. There are countless insurance companies that offer all types of health insurance.

There are several points to consider prior to purchasing cheap health insurance. The premium cost and coverage of health insurance varies from insurance company to insurance company. So it is necessary to compare cost as well as coverage before choosing a health insurance plan. Also, make sure that you are buying health insurance from reputed companies.